
You dog-eared the pages of my life,

Coloured them happy with splashes of black, white and brown

Your furry wags made my day, everyday,

Brushing off my face anything that resembled a frown

Your jaunty walk made the mornings 10x sunnier,

Pats, wuffs, wags, rubs and hugs – size large

Its a wonder how my stress always eased off,

While giving you an endless head massage 

You were the one who always greeted me the same,

Irrespective of my highest highs or my lowest lows

You showered me with the purest form of love that exists,

Only shy of your love for bananas, potatoes and mangoes 🙂

You made children and grownups alike lose their fear of dogs,

And were the talking point for the introverted-me who didn’t know how to small-talk

Your sage-like “thatha” eyes gave me answers to questions I didn’t know I had,

Credit to your large ears, you were the best listener for every moody monologue

If someone ever asks me, you are my inspiration,

Just want to be as joyful, loving and happy as you were

It was an absolute treat to have had you Captain,

You made 10 years pass by in the most beautiful blur ❤